The Village Network of Battle Creek logo
economic icon

Economic Justice

three happy students walking on campus

Education Justice

happy girl stretching arms into the rising sun

Social Justice

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who we are

We are a collective of non-profit organizations, led by members of Battle Creek’s BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) communities, collaborating to achieve equity and challenge systemic and structural barriers to their growth and prosperity. effort and plan.

Developed around the theory of collective liberation, The Village Network intends to create systemic change driven by the belief that communities of color will achieve more through common goals and a united presence. The Village Network will create access and opportunity around economic development, industry, food, education, health and wellness, and personal growth and advocacy.

economic icon

By developing administrative and fundraising capacity and planning sustainable, successful communities, The Village Network will build a better Battle Creek.

economic icon

By developing administrative and fundraising capacity and planning sustainable, successful communities, The Village Network will build a better Battle Creek.

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statement of purpose

This is an extraordinary opportunity for our city to shape an entirely new Battle Creek that contributes to the economic, social and educational equity for all residents. The Village Network of Battle Creek is prepared to support those efforts and will work tirelessly to that end.

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thank you to our sponsors

W.K. Kellogg Foundation logo
W.E. Upjohn Institute logo
City of Battle Creek logo