
Organized around three pillars of Education Justice, Economic Justice and Social Justice, The Village Network of Battle Creek (TVN) promotes racial equity and the equitable distribution of resources with the intention of achieving outcomes that prioritize people of color.

The Work Groups include leadership from The Village Network’s partners who are BIPOC leaders of non-profits, faith-based organizations and small businesses who drive accountability and improve outcomes including asset and wealth-building in our communities of color in Battle Creek.

three happy students walking on campus

Education Justice

The charter of the Education Justice Work Group is to establish a collective strategy that includes activities, community partners, and resident engagement to create a sustainable anchor to comprehensively address the set of supports for students of color identified by, and in tandem with, an established team conducting an educational research study.

group of business people in a meeting

Economic Justice

The charter of the Economic Justice Work Group is to identify and lead a collective strategy that supports economic access and participation of residents of color in programs, services, relationships, and urban development that supports individual and collective asset- and wealth-building.

happy girl stretching arms into the rising sun

Social Justice

The charter of the Social Justice Work Group is to identify and lead a collective strategy that supports the communication and activation of the entire community around issues negatively impacting residents of color.

tvn framework

We advocate for economic development policy and practice changes for our Battle Creek communities of color to achieve economic participation and prosperity.